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Past Events by Category

2023 Anita Roberts Lecture

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Dr. Yasmine Belkaid
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 525 views - Runtime: 01:04:31
Anita Roberts Lecture: The Science of Health Disparities: The Social Determinants of Health Meet the NIH Mission

Monday, November 1, 2021

Dr. Michele K. Evans, Chief of the Health Disparities Research Section, Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science, NIA, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 777 views - Runtime: 01:11:35
Anita Roberts Lecture - Human Microbiome: Friend or Foe

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Julie Segre, Ph.D., NHGRI, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 1,190 views - Runtime: 01:21:53
Anita Roberts Lecture: Specializations for decision making in primate prefrontal cortex

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Elisabeth Murray, Ph.D., Chief, Section on Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, NIMH, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 161 views - Runtime: 01:00:53
Anita Roberts Lecture: The hidden secrets of small genes

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Gisela Storz, Ph.D., Head, Section on Environmental Gene Regulation, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 294 views - Runtime: 01:05:04
Anita B. Roberts Lecture 2016: Functional Architecture of Face Processing in the Primate Brain

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Leslie G. Ungerleider, Ph.D., Chief, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, NIMH, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 300 views - Runtime: 01:05:48
Precision Medicine In Action: Applying Genomic Tools To Improve Patient Outcomes After Organ Transplantation

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dr. Hannah Valentine, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 365 views - Runtime: 00:54:40
Anita B. Roberts Lecture: Neurotrophic Factor α-1: A Key Regulator of Neuroprotection, Depression and Cancer Metastasis

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dr. Peng Loh, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD, NIH
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 225 views - Runtime: 00:58:24
Anita B. Roberts Lecture - Seeing is Believing: Functional Biology at Atomic Resolution

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dr. Wei Yang, Section Chief, NIDDK Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Category: Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists

Read more 266 views - Runtime: 00:59:48