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Past Events by Category

Demystifying Medicine - HIV: New Clinical and Basic Problems Arise from Success

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

John Coffin, Lori Wiener and Lauren Wood
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *90 views - Runtime: 02:04:27
Demystifying Medicine - Finale: Symposium on Career Opportunities for PhD Postdocs

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Michael Gottesman (OD), Win Arias (NICHD) and others
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *91 views - Runtime: 01:59:31
Demystifying Medicine - Sickle Cell Anemia: Treating a Molecular Disease

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Alan Schechter (NIDDK) and Jeffrey Miller (NIDDK)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *113 views - Runtime: 01:39:48
Demystifying Medicine - Hepatocellular Cancer: An Increasing Global Problem

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Richard Anderson (NCI), Snorri Thorgeirsson (NCI) and Win Arias (NICHD)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *94 views - Runtime: 01:32:45
Demystifying Medicine - Genetics, Aging and Heart Disease: New Insights

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Elizabeth Nabel (NHBLI) and Francis Collins (NHGRI)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *103 views - Runtime: 02:05:18
Demystifying Medicine - Obesity: A National Epidemic

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Phillip Gorden (NIDDK) and Jack Yanowski (NICHD)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *108 views - Runtime: 01:57:47
Demystifying Medicine - Addiction: Cannabinoids and Other Drugs

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

George Kunos (NIAAA) and Barry Hoffer (NIDA)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *147 views - Runtime: 02:03:10
Demystifying Medicine - Astrobiology: Clinical and Basic Research

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baruch Blumberg (Fox Chase) and Jay Shapiro (Hopkins and NASA)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *90 views - Runtime: 03:35:00
Demystifying Medicine - Parkinsons Disease: The Shaking Palsy

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

John Hardy (NIA) and Katrina Gwinn-Hardy (NINDS)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *108 views - Runtime: 01:55:18
Demystifying Medicine - Imaging: A New Frontier for Organs and Cells

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Elias Zerhouni (OD) and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (NICHD)
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Read more *94 views - Runtime: 02:05:04