Past Events by Category
Demystifying Medicine 2016: Global Warming: Effect on Vector Distribution, Disease and Natural Product Research
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Jonathan Sleeman, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey and David Newman, PhD, NCI, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Multiple Sclerosis: Mechanisms and Imaging the Process
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Daniel Reich, MD, PhD, NINDS, NIH and Irene Cortese, MD, NINDS, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: The Oral Microbiome Meets Cell Biology and Periodontal Disease
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Niki Moutsopoulos, D.D.S., Ph.D., NIDCR, NIH, Robert Palmer, Ph.D., NIDCR, NIH and Alex Valm, PhD, NICHD, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Progress in Understanding Congenital Heart Disease (the #1 killer in birth defects): mechanisms and new technologies
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Gail Pearson, MD, ScD, NHLBI, NIH and Robert Lederman, MD, NHLBI, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Steato-Hepatitis (NAFLD/ NASH): an “epidemic” liver disease requiring new drugs
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Yaron Rotman, MD, MSc, NIDDK, NIH and Rosana Kapeller, MD, PhD, Nimbus Therapeutics
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Depression: Neuromodulation Meets Super-Resolution Cell Biology
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Sarah Lisanby, MD, NIMH, NIH and Justin Taraska, PhD, NHLBI, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Cell Polarity: Mechanisms and Disease in the Nervous System and Liver
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Juan Bonifacino, PhD, NICHD, NIH and Irwin Arias, MD, CC/NICHD, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Revisited
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Jeffery Cohen, MD, NIAID, NIH and Lesia Dropulic, MD, NIAID, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: Atopy: The Common and The Rare Allergies in the Genomic Era
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Pamela Guerrerio, MD, PhD, NIAID, NIH and Joshua Milner, MD, NIAID, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine

Demystifying Medicine 2016: The Intestinal Microbiome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Yasmine Belkaid, PhD, NIAID, NIH and Warren Strober, MD, NIAID, NIH
Category: Demystifying Medicine