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Past Events by Category

A Thorny Path to Memories: Dendritic Spines, Neurotrophins and their Role in Synaptic Plasticity

Wednesday, November 29, 2000

Tobias Bonhoeffer, Ph.D. Professor, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurobiologie
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *105 views - Runtime: 00:57:07
Presenilins, Notch, and the Genesis and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Wednesday, November 15, 2000

The NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lectures Series
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *97 views - Runtime: 00:57:49
Tn7: A Smarter Transposon

Wednesday, November 8, 2000

The Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *163 views - Runtime: 01:05:57
Insertional Mutagenesis in Zebrafish Nets Genes for Early Vertebrate Development

Wednesday, November 1, 2000

Nancy L. Craig, Ph.D., Amgen Professor of Biology, Biology Department and Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hosted by NICHD and the Women Scientists Advisors
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *88 views - Runtime: 00:56:17
Visualizing Lentivirus Infections: Lux et Veritas in Vivo

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

Ashley T. Haase, M.D. Regents' Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology. University of Minnesota. Hosted by the AIDS IG. Sponsored by NIAID.
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *91 views - Runtime: 01:04:48
Olfaction in Drosophila: Genetics and eGenetics

Wednesday, September 27, 2000

John Carlson, Ph.D. Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale University
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *131 views - Runtime: 00:56:18

Monday, September 25, 2000

The National Institute on Aging
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *93 views - Runtime: 01:05:22
Life at the End of the Chromosome: Telomeres and Telomerase Hosted by NIA

Wednesday, September 20, 2000

Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder; and President, HHMI
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *110 views - Runtime: 01:10:20
How Viruses Suppress the Immune System Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms and Consequences Hosted by NIAID

Wednesday, September 13, 2000

Michael Oldstone, M.D. Professor and Head, Division of Virology, The Scripps Research Institute
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *98 views - Runtime: 00:55:22

Wednesday, June 28, 2000

Hosted by NIAID
Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

Read more *102 views - Runtime: 01:01:43