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Past Events by Category

Peroxidated Lipids and Ceramide in Neurodegenerative Disease

Monday, May 13, 2019

Hugo Bellen, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 311 views - Runtime: 01:06:03
Sounds in Silence: How the Cochlea Promotes Refinement of Auditory Circuits before Hearing Onset

Monday, April 29, 2019

Dwight Bergles, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 174 views - Runtime: 01:04:16
Microtubule tales: dynamics and direction are keys to neuronal health and regeneration

Monday, April 1, 2019

Melissa Rolls, Ph.D., Penn State University
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 168 views - Runtime: 00:58:41
What Brain Circuits Reveal About Function and Dysfunction in Brain Diseases

Monday, March 25, 2019

Helen Barbas, Ph.D., Boston University
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 446 views - Runtime: 01:03:22
Cell Type Characterization and Circuit Mapping in the Mouse Cortex and Beyond

Monday, March 11, 2019

Hongkui Zeng, Ph.D., Allan Institute for Brain Science
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 278 views - Runtime: 01:15:24
Mesoscale Neural Encoding of Emotional Behavior

Monday, March 4, 2019

Kafui Dzirasa, M.D., Ph.D., Duke University, Institute for Brain Sciences
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 343 views - Runtime: 01:02:36
Dissecting hippocampal microcircuits for navigation and learning

Monday, January 28, 2019

Attila Losonczy, M.D., Ph.D., Kavli Institute for Brain Science, Columbia University
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 303 views - Runtime: 01:00:30
Biophysics of Neurotransmitter Release at Central Synapses

Monday, December 17, 2018

Takeshi Sakaba, Ph.D., Doshisha University, Japan
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 467 views - Runtime: 00:55:48
Understanding Navigational Attractor Dynamics and Internal Representations in Drosophila

Monday, November 26, 2018

Vivek Jayaraman, Ph.D., Janelia Farm, HHMI
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 151 views - Runtime: 00:59:41
Control of Hunger by Arcuate (ARC) → Paraventricular (PVH) Hypothalamic Circuits

Monday, November 19, 2018

Bradford Lowell, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard University
Category: Neuroscience

Read more 378 views - Runtime: 00:58:37