Past Events by Category
Mitochondria and Apoptosis - NIH Research Festival Minisymposium
Thursday, October 4, 2001
Stephan Frank, NINDS, Annette Khaled, NCI and Mark Mattson, NIA
Category: Mitochondria
Enhancing Our System of Clinical Trails and Therapeutics Development
Thursday, October 4, 2001
Dr. Jeffrey Abrams, National Cancer Institute
Category: Special
NIH Research Festival 2001 IC Directors Seminar "The Future Direction of Biomedical Research"
Thursday, October 4, 2001
Office of the Director, NIH
Category: Conferences
Quality Control in Self/Nonself Discrimination
Wednesday, October 3, 2001
Phillipe Kourilsky, Ph.D.
Category: Immunology
NIH Research Festival 2001 Plenary Session 1 "Proteomics: From Protein Structure to Disease Mechanisms
Wednesday, October 3, 2001
Office of the Director, NIH
Category: Conferences
The Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic: A Threat to the Nation's Public Health
Tuesday, October 2, 2001
Thomas Quinn, M.D., Chief, International HIV/AIDS and STDs Section, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Category: Special
NIH Research Festival 2001 Keynote Address "Why is Sequence Comparison Useful?"
Tuesday, October 2, 2001
Office of the Director, NIH
Category: Conferences
Financial Aid for College
Tuesday, October 2, 2001
NIH Work and Family Life Center (WFLC)
Category: Parenting, Work & Family Life
2001 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration (Part 2): Second Annual NIH Hispanic Scientists Day Hispanic Heritage Month Observance NIH Only
Monday, October 1, 2001
Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Committee and NIH Hispanic Employee Organization
Category: Hispanic Heritage (NIH Only)
Assessing Web Site Usability from Server Log Files
Thursday, September 27, 2001
Laurie Kantner, Tec-Ed, Inc. and Ethan Newby, Consultant
Category: Special